Parasite Cleanse Week Three Overview
Last week I let you all know that I officially found out I had parasites. Gross, I know. I still feel weird about it but I am also super stoked that this cleanse seems to be working!
This week, I was able to incorporate more foods into my diet besides fruit (yay!). Funny enough, I still found myself eating a decent amount of fruit. I guess I just got used to it. However, it was nice to actually eat something that had more substance to it.
I will be honest and say that I did not follow the diet 100% this week. It specifically says not to have any alcohol but I did drink some tequila. In my defense, I have also read that alcohol can strip away at the mucous lining in your stomach. Typically, this would not be a good thing because that mucous lining protects the stomach from the acid and digestive enzymes that our bodies produce. However, hookworms are known to cling onto that mucous lining which makes it hard to get rid of them. The alcohol stripping the mucous lining (in this case) can actually be beneficial. I wasn’t too sure about any of this but, after drinking some tequila, I actually passed quite a few more parasites than I had been. It could be a coincidence or it could be the tequila!
Here is what my typical day looked like over the course of the week…
- 16 oz warm water with the juice from 1/2 a lemon, 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 squirt milk thistle (NOTE: Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday I also added 1 squirt of black walnut and wormwood)
- Breakfast turkey skillet
- Oregano oil
- Some type of snack (typically pumpkin seeds or a piece of fruit)
- 16 oz water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon (~30 minutes before eating)
- Leftovers from the night before
- 8 oz ginger tea (~30 minutes before eating)
- AIP recipe for dinner
- Probiotic
- 8 oz water with Organic Fermented Green Supremefood powder
- Chopped raw garlic in a spoonful of olive oil
I also drank a lot of water throughout the day. I tried to get in at least 64 oz of water a day. Towards the beginning of the week I was trying to get more in due to the kidney pain I was experiencing.
How Am I Feeling?
I am feeling way better than I did last week! I was able to incorporate regular foods back into my diet which helped a lot. The brain fog has subsided and I have started to feel more myself again.
One of the crazy things I have been experiencing is super intense cravings! And it’s not just for one thing. I feel like I have been craving *e v e r y t h i n g* that I am not supposed to have. Bread, butter, cheese, cookies (literally anything with sugar/chocolate), you name it and I crave it. I have read that the more you starve the parasites in your body, the more they make you crave those foods. So I’m taking it as a good sign that they are starting to starve but also hoping that these cravings subside soon.
The kidney pain has also decreased a lot! I am definitely still experiencing soreness/tenderness in that area but it is no longer impeding my ability to move fluidly. I increased my water and salt intake to help with the detoxification process and that seemed to help a lot.
My sleep has also improved. Instead of waking up multiple times throughout the night and not being able to fall back asleep, I have only been waking up once or not at all! However, I have been experiencing night sweats again. I woke up with night sweats about 4 nights this past week. Because I started the steroid use again, I have not been feeling the intense need to itch in the middle of the night which has also helped greatly.
As mentioned previously, I started using the steroid cream again at the end of last week. Because of this, the rashes are not bad right now but I can feel them fighting to come back. I am slightly worried at this point that, when I have to stop using them again (this Thursday will be the last day before another two week break) they are going to come back just the same. I am also worried that they may be worse than I’ve ever experienced. I was told to expect the rashes to get worse as the parasites die-off in my body and I believe this is the process I am currently in.
I have started gaining the weight back that I had lost during the fruit diet (~3lbs so far). This is what I anticipated because my calorie intake from week 2 vs. week 3 was a big difference.
What’s in Store?
This next week will be consistent with this last week. I will continue to avoid gluten (all grains), legumes, corn, pork, seafood (with the exception of salmon), dairy (specifically cow’s dairy), alcohol, sugar, soy, processed foods, and sunflower/rapeseed/canola oil. I will also continue taking the same supplements.
Summary of My Current Health:
- Weight: 123lbs (2/22/2020 @ 12:40pm)
- Fatigue (~50% of the time)
- Kidney tenderness
- Night sweats
- Cravings
Scroll Down for Parasite Pictures
This week, I only have this picture. I was still passing parasites every day, I just didn’t take the time to do this. This picture specifically was taken the morning after I drank some tequila the night before. There are a lot more pieces that look like broken off pieces of a bigger tapeworm (possibly tapeworms?). I have also noticed that there have been less eggs verses last week when there were a lot more.