Parasite Overview – Part Two – Week Six
Compared to last week, there is not too much to report on this week. Things went back to normal as far as my diet goes (following the same nutritional guidelines that I have been following since week one of part two).
Here is what my typical day looked like this last week…
- 16oz warm water with the juice from 1/2 a lemon, 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 Tbsp. aloe vera juice, a pinch of pink himalayan salt
- Eggs with avocado
- Probiotic
- Almonds or fruit
- Leftovers from the night before
- NOTE: Some days I did not eat lunch and had a “brunch” instead
- AIP dinner
- NOTE: Since being home with my parents, Conor and I cook twice a week (AIP) meals. On the other nights, my parents cook or we get take out and I pick and choose from the options to fit within the nutritional guidelines as much as possible.
- 8oz water with Organic Fermented Green Supremefood powder
- Chopped raw garlic in a spoonful of olive oil
How Am I Feeling?
I am feeling great! I have all my energy back and no longer find myself getting tired after short walks. I have also slowly starting my regular workout routine again and hope to be fully in it by this next week.
This has been the longest I have gone without using steroid cream for my arms and legs since I first started having rashes back in 2018. I now only have small patches of dry skin on my arms with pretty much no signs of a rash. My legs are doing great as well! The only sign of the rash are scars that now look like bruises.
My sleep schedule is off because of quarantine so I have had later nights but have still been getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night. I have continued to sleep well with only waking up once or twice (this has always been typical for me).
What’s in Store?
Part Two is officially done! But here is my plan moving forward…
Jade (@thewellnessprogramme on Instagram) and I have worked out a deal where I send her recipes I made/am making throughout her programs in exchange for continued correspondence. The following weeks will consist of a plan tailored towards a deeper parasite cleanse, detoxification of heavy metals, and preparing my body for pregnancy (yay!).
Pregnancy is something I am very excited about but, due to the health issues I have experienced over the last few years, I am worried about my bodies response. One specific thing I have been worried about was my “dependency” on steroid cream. This aspect of my health seems to be looking good so the focus moving forward will be to make sure that my body can absorb the nutrients I have eating and creating a healthy gut microbiome.
Summary of Current Health:
- Weight: I have decided to stop reporting my weight. I no longer feel like it is necessary and does not give a good overview of how I am doing internally.
- NO skin inflammation!
- Energy is back