Health and Wellness Update 5/16/2020
As promised, I am here to give an update on my continued health and wellness journey!
This past week, we celebrated my birthday so I did not stick to the nutritional guidelines as much as I should have. I had ice cream (oops) and a margarita (or two). I want to be completely transparent when it comes to how well I am doing when it comes to this journey. Just because I strayed away this week does not mean that I have given up on my health.
Here is what my typical day looked like this past week…
Waking Up:
- 16 oz warm water with 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar, juice from 1/2 a lemon, 1 squirt Bepleurum Root, and 1 squirt Zeotrex
- Veggie cap with 2 drops turmeric, 2 drops oregano, 2 drops clove, and 3 drops Detoxadine
- 3 capsules Paraterx
- 1 capsule probiotic
- Eggs with veggies (e.g., bell peppers, tomato, mushrooms, spinach)
- Quinoa with fruit and almond butter
- Almonds
- Fruit
- Pumpkin seeds
- Homemade guac (lots of it!)
- 3 capsules Paratrex (20 minutes before eating)
- AIP or Whole30 meal
- We ate out a few times this week as well. Typically I’ll try to order something according to the nutritional guidelines set in place but I was a little more lenient this week because of my birthday.
- Lemon Balm tea
- Raw garlic in olive oil
- 5 capsules Oxy-Powder every 2-3 nights as a maintenance dose
How Am I Feeling?
Like I stated earlier, I ate some ice cream this past week so I did see some reaction to that. However, I did not break out in rashes like I usually do. This time, I saw small bumps on the back of my hands and my forearms. These bumps were essentially gone within 24 hours of consuming the ice cream.
I did not experience any die-off symptoms (that I am aware of) this past week. This could be due to the fact that I was not “starving” the parasites with my diet so they were not dying.
I have been sleeping great! When it is time to go to bed at night, I have been falling asleep within 10-15 minutes. I have also been waking up less frequently and waking up refreshed verses groggy.
What’s in Store?
I will continue with this protocol for the full 40 days. I am currently 14 days into it. I will continue to follow the nutritional guidelines as best I can.
Summary of Current Health:
- Very light bumps on my arms and back of my hands
- Energy has stayed consistent
- Sleeping soundly through the night