Health and Wellness Update 6/6/2020
Jokes on us for actually thinking we would do Whole30 during quarantine! While we have not stuck to the Whole30 “diet,” everyone in my family has made changes to the way they eat. Everyone committed to eating cleaner (less processed and refined foods) in their own ways.
I know I mentioned last week that I was playing with the idea of intermittent fasting. Here is what happened… I did a 18/6 fast for two days. Essentially, I fasted for 18 hours and ate within a 6 hour window. During the two days that I did this, I got a massive headache by noon both days. I am not sure if this was due to the fasting (a common side effect when you are first starting) or due to the fact that Visalia had very poor air quality those days (in the 100s). Regardless, Conor and I talked and decided that, while I am doing this cleanse, it may not be best for me to pursue intermittent fasting. Conor has been going strong though!
For the rest of the week, I went back to my typical eating schedule.
Here is what my typical day looked like this past week…
Waking Up:
- 16 oz warm water with 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar, juice from 1/2 a lemon, 1 squirt Bepleurum Root, and 1 squirt Zeotrex
- Veggie capsule with 3 drops turmeric, 3 drops oregano, 3 drops clove, and 3 drops Detoxadine
- 3 capsules Paratrex
- 1 capsule probiotic
- Eggs with veggies (e.g., onion, mushrooms, bell peppers)
- 3 capsules Paratrex (20 minutes before eating)
- AIP or Whole30 meal
- Lemon Balm tea
- Raw garlic in olive oil
- 5 capsules Oxy-Powder every 2-3 nights as a maintenance dose
How Am I Feeling?
Like I stated above, I had really intense headaches on Monday and Tuesday that did not go away until I fell asleep. I am not sure if this was due to intermittent fasting, air pollution, or even die-off symptoms (I did find parasites this week – scroll down to see!). Because of the headaches I stopped intermittent fasting and went back to my regular eating on Wednesday.
I have been sleeping really well (besides Monday and Tuesday night when I had the intense headaches). Once I fall asleep, I have been sleeping through the night and feel energized in the morning when I wake up.
My energy levels have also been up! The Sequoia National Park opened back up this week so I was able to go on a hike – it was beautiful and I can’t wait to go on more.
What’s in Store?
I will continue following my nutritional guidelines and taking the supplements mentioned above. There have been some days where I have forgotten to take the second dose (3 capsules) of Paratrex so the 40 days has been extended.
Summary of Current Health:
- Clear skin – the entire week!
- Energy levels are up
- Great sleep
- Intense headaches – 2 days
Scroll Down to see Parasites