Parasite Cleanse Week Five Overview
One more week of the parasite cleanse!
When I first started the cleanse I thought 6 weeks was soooooo long and it would feel like forever. It has actually flown by and I am surprised that I only have a week left.
It is crazy to think how much my body has changed since starting this cleanse 5 weeks ago. To put things into perspective let me show you a couple pictures…

While my skin may still be on the road to recovery, look how far it has come! Just a month ago, my skin was covered in uncomfortable, oozing welts. Now my skin is closed and, for the most part, smooth!
Here is what my typical day looked like over the course of the week…
- 16 oz warm water with the juice from 1/2 a lemon, 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 squirt milk thistle, 1 squirt black walnut and wormwood
- A piece of fruit (banana or apple) with almond butter; some days I would also include quinoa
- Oregano oil
- Typically a piece of fruit, pumpkin seeds, or golden berries
- 16 oz water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon (~30 minutes before eating)
- Leftovers from the night before
- A couple times this week I didn’t have leftovers and ate fruit with almond butter and some other snacky foods to hold me over until dinner time
- 8 oz ginger tea (~30 minutes before eating)
- AIP recipe for dinner
- Probiotic
- 8 oz water with Organic Fermented Green Supremefood powder
- Chopped raw garlic in a spoonful of olive oil
- Clove supplement – I incorporated clove this week after doing some reading that cloves also help fight off parasites
All of this plus lots of water throughout the day! At least 64 oz a day.
How Am I Feeling?
As far as the parasite cleanse goes, I am probably feeling the best I have felt since starting! The beginning of the week (specifically Sunday) was not great because the kidney pain had returned but it was only bad that day and progressively got better.
The cravings I was having are essentially gone. Of course, if there is something that looks delicious in front of me, I still want to eat it but I don’t think that has anything to do with the parasites, just me.
The night sweats stayed consistent with what I was seeing last week. About half the time, I sleep without any issues and the other half I am waking up at random times throughout the night in pools of sweat. The amount of sweat seems to be decreasing but it still is not fun to wake up super sweaty for no apparent reason.
The best thing about this week has probably been the fact that I have been off the steroid cream for over a week and my skin is doing great! I was really worried that the rashes would come back in full swing as soon as I stopped using the steroids but it has not! There is still some inflammation and I am still itchy but the itchiness is no where near as intense as it has been. My skin has also not “weeped” since I have come off the steroids which is a huge win!
It looks like I am back to my pre-colon cleanse weight at 124 lbs. I have tried to be better about incorporating nutritious foods into my diet and making sure I am eating enough throughout the day. I have also been able to exercise more which has been helpful!
What’s in Store?
Next week is the last week of the parasite cleanse! For the first five days of week six (Sunday – Thursday), I will maintain the same diet. To review, I have been avoiding gluten (all grains), legumes, corn, pork, seafood (with the exception of salmon), dairy (specifically cow’s dairy), alcohol (although I have had some tequila), sugar, soy, processed foods, and sunflower/rapeseed/canola oil. On Friday and Saturday (the last two days of the parasite cleanse), I will strictly be drinking juice. I have a juicer and am planning on making all my own juices so that I know there are no added sugars to the juice.
Summary of My Current Health:
- Weight: 124lbs (3/7/2020 @ 1:58pm)
- Mild skin inflammation/itchiness (but overall great!)
- Some trouble sleeping
- Night sweats (~50% of the time)
No parasite pictures again but head to week 3’s post if you haven’t seen them and are curious as to what they look like!