Parasite Cleanse Week Four Overview
Alright everyone, I am 2/3 of the way done with the parasite cleanse! The end is near.
This week was the same as last week as far as the diet goes. I’ve been eating according the specific diet guidelines that have been put into place and it has become more natural for me to know what I can and cannot eat (instead of having to look it up).
I also ate out a little bit more this week. I have found that it is not impossible to eat out while doing this cleanse (yay!). Of course, theres no way for me to know certain things like what type of oil restaurants use to cook with. But I took the risk in order to socialize!
Something new I tried this week was a milk bath, also known as an Amish milk bath. Sounds weird, right? Well it kind of is. Essentially, I waited for 4 gallons of whole milk to sit at room temperature. Then I poured them into a bath tub where I sat and *tried to relax for about an hour. The thought behind doing this is that parasites are attracted to milk. As your body is sitting in the milk, they want to come out and drink it so they start moving towards it. Once they come out (through your anus – I know it’s weird) they are surrounded by the milk and drown/die. When you get rid of parasites this way, your body doesn’t have to go through the awful die-off symptoms so I thought it was worth a try. Unfortunately, I had no luck with this but may try again this week with a few tweaks.
Here is what my typical day looked like over the course of the week…
- 16 oz warm water with the juice from 1/2 a lemon, 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 squirt milk thistle (NOTE: Today, Saturday, I started adding black walnut and wormwood)
- A piece of fruit (typically a banana) or quinoa with almond butter and fruit
- Oregano oil
- Some type of snack (typically pumpkin seeds or golden berries)
- 16 oz water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon (~30 minutes before eating)
- Leftovers from the night before
- I also had Chick-fil-A for lunch one day this week! The grilled chicken sandwich wrapped in lettuce is delicious and I can get away with eating it (occasionally) on this cleanse.
- 8 oz ginger tea (~30 minutes before eating)
- AIP recipe for dinner
- Probiotic
- 8 oz water with Organic Fermented Green Supremefood powder
- Chopped raw garlic in a spoonful of olive oil
As always… lots of water throughout the day! At least 64 oz a day.
How Am I Feeling?
I am continuing to feel better and gain my energy back. It feels like it has been a slow process but we are getting there!
My cravings are no longer as intense. I still have the occasional craving (specifically for sugar) but I have found ways to “satisfy” the want. My go to fix right now is a piece of fruit with almond butter. In fact, I’ve been eating so much almond butter that I go through about one jar a week.
The best part about this week was that the kidney pain is essentially gone! There have been random moments throughout the week where I will experience the soreness, but overall I am doing *so much* better.
The sleep factor has been here and there. For whatever reason, I just wasn’t tired at night so falling asleep was not easy. On average, I would say I got 5-6 hours of sleep per night this week. This may be the norm for some people but I typically get at least 8 hours of sleep if I can help it – my job demands energy. The night sweats have also been off and on. About half the time this week, I would wake up to night sweats but the other half I was totally fine. Here’s to hoping they will be over soon.
Wednesday was the last day I used the steroid cream this week. I’ve started the mandatory 2-week rest period. Last time I did this, my skin was inflamed within 58 hours! So far, I am experiencing inflammation/itchiness but nowhere near as bad. No “weeping” yet. “Weeping” is what I call it when the welts on my body start to ooze a clear liquid (sorry, gross, I know). It has been about 72 hours since I last used it and I would be content if the level of inflammation stayed where it’s at. Of course, I would love for it to completely go away but… baby steps!
As far as my weight goes, I was surprised to see that I have actually lost the weight I was gaining back last week. After talking to my husband about this (and my concerns surrounding it) he mentioned that I may be losing muscle mass. Since starting this cleanse, I have not had the same energy as before and have stopped working out as much. My plan is to start working out again and see what happens from there.
What’s in Store?
This next week will stay consistent with the last two weeks. I will continue avoiding gluten (all grains), legumes, corn, pork, seafood (with the exception of salmon), dairy (specifically cow’s dairy), alcohol, sugar, soy, processed foods, and sunflower/rapeseed/canola oil. I will also continue taking the same supplements. This week, I will be adding black walnut and wormwood extract to my morning cocktail every day.
Summary of My Current Health:
- Weight: 121lbs (2/29/2020 @ 3:11pm)
- Fatigue (~25% of the time)
- Night sweats (~50% of the time)
- Some trouble sleeping
- Mild skin inflammation/itchiness
Sorry… no parasite pictures this week! I haven’t had the time to do that this week but I am still passing them pretty much every day!