Parasite Cleanse Week One Overview
Overall, week one was not hard. I did the autoimmune protocol (AIP) about a year ago and that diet is way more restrictive than the parasite cleanse. I was actually able to use a lot of the AIP recipes for this last weeks meals. To make it easier on myself, I planned out what my week of meals would look like and got all the groceries needed for it on Sunday.
The mornings are typically fast for me so to make sure I was eating a good breakfast, I meal prepped a breakfast turkey skillet on Sunday evening for the whole week. This helped so much!
Here is what my typical day looked like over the course of the week…
- 16 oz warm water with the juice from 1/2 a lemon, 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar, and 1 squirt milk thistle
- 8oz Pau d’Arco tea
- Breakfast turkey skillet
- Oregano oil
- Some type of snack (typically pumpkin seeds or golden berries)
- 16oz water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon (30 minutes before eating)
- Leftovers from the night before
- 8oz ginger tea (30 minutes before eating)
- AIP recipe for dinner
- Probiotic
- 8oz water with Organic Fermented Green Supremefood powder
- Chopped raw garlic in a spoonful of olive oil
I also drank water throughout the day. My goal was to drink 1/2 my weight in oz which I (barely) rounded up to make 64oz a day. Ideally, I would drink more than this to help the healing/flushing process.
How Am I Feeling?
I had a really bad skin flare up right before starting this cleanse and, unfortunately, it has only gotten worse. I was told to expect things to get worse before they get better so I am hoping that this is as bad as it gets.
I definitely feel like I’ve been experiencing die-off symptoms. The intense rashes could be a die-off symptom but there are others to indicate this as well. Sunday through Tuesday I felt mostly normal and then it all started to hit me by Wednesday. Since then, I have felt extremely tired/fatigued (more than before) throughout the day and find myself moving slower than usual. I’ve also been experiencing brain fog which has been really frustrating. My stomach has been upset but in a different way than usual. When it hurts, it is not a “hunger pain” or upset stomach feeling. Instead, it just feels like mild cramping with strange movements.
Sunday through Thursday, I woke up multiple times throughout the night. Around 3 am on those days, I woke up in a puddle of my own sweat. I do not think the sweat was from being too hot because, even though we’re in San Diego, it is cold at night and I didn’t feel hot. It was so bad that I would have to completely move to a different area of the bed to fall asleep again because my sheets were damp (gross I know).
What’s in Store?
Sunday through Friday of this next week, I will be participating in a colon/parasite cleanse. For six days, I will only eat fruit and take supplements (Oxy-Powder, Latero-Flora, and Aloe Fuzion) that help things along. Essentially I am supposed to have a bowel movement 3-5 times a day. Let’s just say I’m not really looking forward to this next week. I will continue taking my morning cocktail but will be adding Black Walnut and Wormwood Combination Extract to aid in killing off any parasites.
Summary of My Current Health:
- Weight: 125lbs (2/8/2020 @ 2:14pm)
- Mild stomach cramping/movement
- Gas/bloating
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Trouble sleeping/night sweats