Parasite Cleanse Week Six Overview
Today is the last day of the parasite cleanse! BUT… it’s not over.
Yep, you read that right. I’m not done yet. I have officially signed up to do Part Two of this cleanse! What does this look like? It is another 6 week program that dives even deeper into cleansing the body. If you’re interested in what this looks like, keep following along!
As far as the current program goes, this week was not too bad. Sunday through Monday, I followed the regular nutrition guidance and supplemental intake.
Here is what my typical day looked like from Sunday-Thursday…
- 16 oz warm water with the juice from 1/2 a lemon, 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 squirt milk thistle
- A piece of fruit (banana or apple) with almond butter; some days I would also have quinoa
- Oregano oil
- Typically a piece of fruit, pumpkin seeds, or golden berries
- 16 oz water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon (~30 minutes before eating)
- Leftovers from the night before
- 8 oz ginger tea (~30 minutes before eating)
- AIP recipe for dinner
- Probiotic
- 8 oz water with Organic Fermented Green Supremefood powder
- Chopped raw garlic in a spoonful of olive oil
- Clove supplement
Then I started a two day juice cleanse on Friday. Here is what that looked like…
- Green juice (e.g., celery, spinach, cucumber, apple)
- 16 oz Pau d’arco tea
- Carrot juice w/apple and spinach
- Green juice (e.g., celery, spinach, cucumber, apple)
Mid-Afternoon Snack:
- Mixed berry juice (e.g., blueberry, raspberry)
- Carrot juice w/celery and spinach
Late-Night Snack:
- Bone broth
- 8 oz water with Green Fermented Green Supremefood powder
I also incorporated a lot of water and other herbal teas throughout the day.
How Am I Feeling?
Sunday through Thursday were just regular days for me. At this point, I have become accustomed to the dietary aspect of the cleanse. Besides the supplements that I have to take throughout the day, I had essentially forgotten that I was doing a cleanse. That is until Friday.
I started the juicing cleanse on Friday and found myself extremely hungry by 1/1:30pm. I was at work for the first day of the juice cleanse which wasn’t ideal because of how much I needed to pee throughout the day (just being honest here). Being a teacher, you can’t always pee when you need to but I made it work! Luckily I have a great team who was willing to help watch my students while I ran to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes (sometimes every 10 minutes).
The juicing started to take a toll on my body Friday evening but as I am writing this (Saturday afternoon) I am feeling fine again. Friday evening I started to feel really weak and noticed my hands were kind of shaky when I would try to hold them out. My head was hurting as well. I also could not get warm, even under multiple blankets and with our space heater on. All these symptoms made sense to me since I had not eaten anything all day. I ended up just going to sleep so I wouldn’t have to fight the hunger and deal with the symptoms. I woke up Saturday morning feeling much better! Apart from the constant peeing, I have been fine.
I believe my night sweats are starting to go away. There have been a few days where I woke up semi-sweaty but nothing as bad as what I have experienced in the weeks prior. Maybe just normal over-heating sweat from blankets?
I have also stayed off the steroid cream for another week! This has probably been the best outcome from the cleanse because I can see the results (and feel them). If you haven’t seen the pictures of my skin, head over to week five’s overview to take a look.
As far as weight goes, I have maintained the same weight since last week! I am not going to talk about the weight I am at today because the juicing cleanse definitely throws things off and I will gain back what I have lost once I re-introduce food.
What’s in Store?
As mentioned above, I am starting part two of the cleanse! I am able to start re-introducing foods that I have been avoiding. These include: kidney beans, butter beans, black beans, lentils, chick peas, hummus, gluten-free oats, and fermented foods. Apart from this, I will stick to the nutritional guidance I had been following during part one of the program.
Week one of part two is when I participate in a 4-day kidney cleanse. Essentially, I will be eating organic fruits and veggies for my meals and drinking a special “cocktail” throughout the day. On top of this, I will be taking specific supplements to aid in the cleansing of my kidneys. While I am not super stoked on the process of what I will be doing, I am excited to see how I feel after due to the kidney pain I experienced at different times throughout part one of the program.
Summary of My Current Health:
- Weight: 124lbs (3/12/2020 – pre-juice cleanse)
- Mild skin inflammation/itchiness (but overall great)
- Juicing specific symptoms: headache, weakness, dizziness, cold, hunger
No parasite pictures again but head to week three’s post if you haven’t seen them yet and are curious as to what they look like!