Parasite Cleanse Week Two Overview
It’s official – I have parasites!
Up until this last week, I could not say with certainty that I had parasites because I did not get officially tested. However, after this last week, I can assure you that I do in fact have parasites – and lots of them.
**If you get grossed out, skip this paragraph. When you pass parasites, they come out when you have a bowel movement. Due to the supplements I was taking for the colon cleanse, your stool is broken up and does not remain solid. Because of this, I was able to see and use a q-tip to take some of the parasites out and place them on some toilet paper or a paper towel. There were all different kinds. Many different types of eggs. Some looked like sesame seeds while others were larger and almond shaped. There were also liver flukes, broken off bits of tapeworm(s?), and others that I couldn’t identify. If you want to see pictures, scroll down to the very bottom of this post!
For week one’s overview, I started off by saying it was not hard. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for week two. Eating fruit for 6 days straight is not for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love fruit! But when your only options are fruit… or more fruit, you start craving other foods.
This week, I had to make a special concoction that I drank throughout the day. We will call it the cleansing cocktail. I was told to drink half my weight in ounces of this cocktail a day. I would shoot for about 64 ounces a day.
Cleansing cocktail:
- 1 gallon of water
- Juice from 1/2 a lemon
- 3 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
Here is what my typical day looked like over the course of the week…
- 16 oz warm water with the juice from 1/2 a lemon, 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 squirt milk thistle, and 1 squirt **black walnut and wormwood (I counted this as part of the ounces for the cleansing cocktail since they have some of the same ingredients)
- Banana
- *Latero-flora
- *Aloe fuzion
- 8 oz cleansing cocktail
- Mixed berries or an orange
- 16 oz cleansing cocktail
- Homemade plantain chips
- Homemade guacamole
- 8 oz cleansing cocktail
- Mixed berries or an orange
- 16 oz cleansing cocktail
- Homemade plantain chips
- Homemade guacamole
- 16 oz cleansing cocktail
- *Oxy-powder
- Chopped raw garlic in a spoonful of olive oil
*Supplements for the colon cleanse
**Parasite killer
How Am I Feeling?
To be honest, I’m not feeling great. From Monday on, I felt like my body was craving protein. I have also been experiencing a lot of brain fog and have been “out of it.” I found myself trying to explain something to someone and not being able to hold my own train of thought. My speech has been impaired and I have been stumbling over my words a lot more than usual.
Since Thursday, I have been experiencing intense kidney pain. Luckily, it has eased up slightly but they still hurt. On Thursday evening specifically, they hurt so bad that I couldn’t bend over to pick things up and broke down to my husband as I was explaining the pain I was in. On Friday, I was still unable to bend over, but the pain was not as intense (I probably had the best posture I’ve ever had due to not being able to bend over in the slightest). Today (Saturday), I am still in pain but it is a lot more bearable. I am hoping that the pain will continue to improve over time and that this will be the last of this experience.
I also couldn’t sleep at all this week. I would get into bed around 10/10:30pm but find myself awake until finally falling asleep around midnight only to wake up around 3:00am. When I would wake up, my rashes would itch so intensely that I would have to get up out of bed, apply lotion, and walk around so I would not itch. I would try falling asleep on the couch but couldn’t. I would get back into bed around 4:30am and (maybe) fall back asleep only to wake up at 6:00am to get ready for work.
My rashes were getting pretty intense and I finished my two weeks off steroids so I reintroduced that. I was trying to avoid steroid use during this cleanse but I was in so much pain from the rashes that I gave in and used them.
Since I last weighed myself a week ago, I have lost some weight (5lbs). I am assuming this is just associated with the fruit diet and will gain it back as I reintroduce other foods into my diet.
What’s in Store?
I can eat food other than fruit again!!
I will continue adding the Black Walnut and Wormwood extract to my morning cocktail until Tuesday for a total of 10 days. The black walnut and wormwood is supposed to kill the parasites inside of me (one reason I may be experiencing kidney pain). I will then omit this from my morning cocktail to give my body a break.
My diet for the rest of this cleanse will stay consistent with the exception of the last two days when I will partake in a 2-day juicing cleanse (we’ll get to that in a month). I will avoid gluten (all grains), legumes, corn, pork, seafood, dairy (specifically cow’s dairy), alcohol, sugar, soy, processed foods, and sunflower/rapeseed/canola oil.
Summary of My Current Health:
- Weight: 120lbs (2/15/2020 @ 7:23pm)
- Fatigue
- Brain fog
- Kidney pain
- Trouble sleeping
- Hunger/cravings
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