Parasite Overview – Part Two – Week Five
Okay guys, I did it. I did the Liver Cleanse this week. This way by far the hardest week of the wellness programme for a few different reasons. Read on to find out why!
I also did a foot detox that I will go into more detail about later on.
For the Liver Cleanse, I stuck to a strict diet of fruit for breakfast and veggies for dinner. I got to choose from a list of fruits and veggies that are known for aiding in the cleansing of the liver. I also drank a Liver Cleanse drink at specific times of the day as well as an Apple Cider Vinegar mix throughout the day. I made one gallon of each the night before the first day and would pour out the amount needed when it was time to drink. I refilled the Apple Cider Vinegar gallon whenever it became empty.
The Liver Cleanse Drink consisted of:
- 1 gallon water
- 2 oz Livatrex
- 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
The Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) mix consisted of:
- 1 gallon water
- 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
Here is what my typical day looked like this from Monday-Thursday…
Between 8:00-10:00am – Breakfast:
- 2 apples
- Aloe Fuzion
- 8 oz of Liver Cleanse Drink
- 12 oz ACV mix
- 8 oz of Liver Cleanse Drink
1:00pm – Lunch:
- Kale salad or veggie soup
- 12 oz ACV mix
- 8 oz of Liver Cleanse Drink
- 12 oz ACV mix
- Liver cleanse drink
7:00pm – Dinner:
- Kale salad or veggie salad
- 12 oz ACV mix
- Oxy-Powder
- Latero-Flora
What my day looked like on Friday (Flush Day)…
8:00-10:00am – Breakfast:
- Watermelon
12:00pm – Lunch:
- 2 Avocados w/lemon juice and sea salt
4:00pm – Dinner:
- 2 Avocados w/lemon juice and sea salt
- 1 Tbsp epsom salt in 8oz warm purified water
- 6 oz of extra virgin olive oil
Liver Cleanse
The diet aspect of the liver cleanse was not bad. It got tiring eating just fruit and veggies for four days straight but I did it!
The hardest part was the flush day. I had a few different lunch and dinner options that I could choose from but I ultimately wound up eating avocados. I originally made a liver cleansing soup but I did not like it so I switched to the avocados.
The evening of the flush night, I had to drink epsom salt in water and drink 6 oz of extra virgin olive oil. Taste wise, the epsom salt was the worst part of it. To my surprise, the epsom salt did not taste salty, but extremely bitter. It made the ACV mix that I had been drinking seem like a sweet treat compared to this. Mentally, the olive oil was the worst part. It did not taste bad but the texture of it was not great. Also, while I was drinking it, my brother started gagging which almost made me start gagging. But ultimately, I did it!
After drinking the olive oil, I had to lay on my right side for 30 minutes with my knees pulled up to my chest. Then I could go to bed. It was weird to feel the olive oil travel through my body (or at least I think that is what I was feeling). I would get random “cramping” at times in my lower abdomen.
Ultimately, I had a hard time falling asleep because of all the movement going on in my stomach. I would also get random, dull pain while I was laying down. It took me about an hour after all of this.
The next morning (this morning), I took 6 Oxy-Powder capsules to help flush out any stone that I may have. Yes you read that right, stones. Gallstones to be exact. So far today, I have passed about 5 stones. They are about the size of a finger nail and green in color (picture down at the bottom).
Foot Detox
This is the part I have been getting to most questions about over on my Instagram page!
For the last five nights, I have been using foot detox pads from The Global Healing Center. It comes with five nights worth of detox pads and carbon-titanium adhesives. Foot detox pads claim to detox your body of chemicals, toxins, and heavy metals.
I will say this… I have always been skeptical about foot detox pads. If you just google “foot detox pads,” you will find a whole bunch of people and articles saying that foot detox pads do not work. Even though I am skeptical, I decided to give it a go because Jade from @thewellnessprogramme suggested them and everything she has suggested so far has worked great. I also reached out to her about the foot detox pads.
Here is what she said:
“…most foot detoxes are gimmicky and don’t work. These are the only foot pads I would recommend because firstly, they’re formulated by Dr. Group who is a specialist in detox and one of the leaders in the field. The other considerations are the quality of the herbs he uses in his products and these specifically have been created after years of medical research in Japan. They work by stimulating the reflexology zones of the foot and as this is where most of our nerve ending end, is a great place to remove toxins. I think the main confusion lies in the fact the color of the pads in indicative of the amount of sweating the foot has done. This indicates open detox pathways and if you’re sweating, you’re releasing the heavy metals.”
Jade @thewellnessprogramme
One thing that can be found when researching foot detox pads is that, even water can change the color of the foot pads, leading people to believe that they do not work. Here is what Jade said about that.
“…it’s because the color is the herbs coming through, done so by the dampness/water, whether that’s water or sweat. The way to know whether they are actually drawing out the metals is by doing testing… to check the levels of heavy metal toxicity in the body, before and after using the pads. …Dr. Group’s pads have gone through this testing.”
Jade @thewellnessprogramme
While I can’t speak to the detoxification of heavy metals because I did not test myself, I will say that my sleep was great during the nights that I wore these! Since being at my parents house, I have had a hard time sleeping. Every night (besides last night due to the flush day) I slept like a baby! It’s hard to tell how it helped my energy due to the fact that my energy was so drained due to the liver cleanse.
Overall I would say, there is not harm in trying these! I will say that it was super satisfying to peel them off my feet every morning and see what they looked like. They had a strangely sweet smell in the morning as well. Sweet mixed with… toxic?
How Am I Feeling?
My “feelings” varied throughout the week depending on which day it was.
The first 2-3 days I had really low energy. Going on a short walk drained me and I would have a hard time doing anything for at least an hour after. Overall, I cut my regular exercises this week to allow my body to rest.
I slept so well this week. I don’t know if it was because my body was tired from the liver cleanse or if the foot detox pads were helping, but it was great! Hopefully the good sleep will continue.
My skin inflamed a little bit more this week. Potentially due to the liver cleanse and the toxins that I have been releasing. My legs have been fine and I’ve mostly noticed the inflammation and itchiness on my arms. Still not bad enough to use steroids though! So still another successful week off of steroids! Honestly, this is my record since I had to start using them two years ago.
I woke up with a headache this morning that felt similar to a hangover headache. I drank lots of water upon waking up and it has started to get better. This is the only day I have had a headache though!
Turns out my parents do have a scale! I have stayed a consistent 125 lbs since the last time I weighed myself.
What’s in Store?
For the next two days, I will (most likely) continue to pass more gallstones. I will go back to the nutritional guidelines that I have been following for part two as well.
Starting Sunday, I will start taking Paratrex, a supplement that is supposed to help with a deeper parasite cleanse. Depending on how my body responds, this could continue for up to 40 days.
Summary of Current Health:
- Weight: 125 lbs (4/18/2020 @ 12:45pm)
- Mild skin inflammation/itchiness
- Mild headache (1 day)
- Muscle/body achiness (3 days)
Scroll down to see pictures of the gallstones I have passed so far!