Parasite Overview – Part Two – Week One
This was the first week of Part Two! In total, I have been on this journey for seven weeks.
I wanted to take a moment and address that the cleanse is going to look a little different for me moving forward. With everything going on in the world with COVID-19 everything is a little different now. I still plan on sticking to the nutritional guidelines as much as I possibly can BUT I am going to be gracious with myself. One of the main things that I find myself having a hard time with is avoiding pre-made sauces. I am still going to be mindful of ingredients, but I am going to be a little more lenient moving forward.
My morning cocktail for Part Two is slightly different than the one I was drinking every morning for Part One. Here is my new morning cocktail recipe:
- 16 oz water
- 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 Tbsp aloe vera juice
- Juice from half a lemon
- Pinch of pink himalayan salt
The first week of Part Two consisted of a four day Kidney Cleanse. For this cleanse, I stuck to a strict diet of fruit for breakfast and veggies for lunch and dinner. Apart from the diet aspect, I also drank a Kidney Cleanse drink at specific times of the day. I made a gallon on the first day and would pour out the amount I needed over the four day period.
The Kidney Cleanse Drink consisted of:
- 1 gallon water
- 2 oz RenalTrex (the whole bottle)
- 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
- Juice from a whole lemon
On the other days of the week (i.e., Sunday, Monday, and Saturday), I followed the regular nutritional guidelines. The difference between Part One and Part Two is that I can now eat beans, lentils, chickpeas, hummus, gluten-free oats, and fermented foods!
Here is what my typical day looked like from Tuesday-Friday (Kidney Cleanse)…
8:00am – Breakfast:
- Pick one fruit and eat as much as you want of it (I either chose apples or strawberries
- 1 capsule Aloe Fuzion
- 8 oz of Kidney Cleanse Drink
10:00-11:00am – “Snack:”
- 12 oz water w/lemon and apple cider vinegar
1:00pm – Lunch:
- Veggies – I made a spinach and kale salad with red onion, mushrooms, and garlic
- 8 oz Kidney Cleanse Drink
4:00-5:00pm – “Snack:”
- 12 oz water w/lemon and apple cider vinegar
- 8 oz Kidney Cleanse Drink
7:00pm – Dinner:
- Spinach and kale salad w/red onion, mushrooms, and garlic
- 4 capsules Oxy-Powder
- 2 capsules Latero-Flora
How Am I Feeling?
Other than some fatigue and headaches during the Kidney Cleanse, this week was great! I was concerned about kidney pain before I started because I had experienced kidney pain during the Colon Cleanse.
My energy levels fluctuated A LOT this week. I started off with so much energy at the beginning of the week. I was able to do a 6 mile solo hike (my first solo hike!) in just under 2 hours (and 1600 ft elevation gain – that was killer). Two days later, I went on a walk with my husband that was just about 2 miles and I was SO TIRED. I kept having to tell him that I needed to walk slower because my body just wanted to sit down. It took us just under an hour to complete that two mile walk. I decided that I was going to put workouts on hold until the Kidney Cleanse was over to support my body.
I have been sleeping so much better though. I noticed that I did not wake up with night sweats at all this week! I also slept through most of the night, waking up only once of twice (I usually wake up a lot throughout the night).
Once again, another week without steroids! My skin started to get a little “angry” towards the end of the kidney cleanse (probably from the detox my body was going through) but it held together! If you wanted to see pictures of my skin, head to week five’s overview to take a look! It’s crazy how far my skin has come.
My weight has fluctuated a little bit but I partially expected that because of the Kidney Cleanse. I have noticed that, throughout this entire process, I have stayed within 120-125lbs.
What’s in Store?
This next week, I will follow my nutritional guidelines but there is not specific “cleanse” happening. My guidelines are to avoid gluten (all grains), corn, pork, seafood (with the exception of salmon), dairy (specifically cow’s dairy), alcohol, sugar, soy, processed foods, and sunflower/rapeseed/canola oil.
Like I said at the beginning of the post, things are going to look a little different from here on out. I am not sure what will be available at grocery stores so I might be tweaking my diet a little bit as time goes on. However, I am planning on doing my best to stick with the program.
Summary of My Current Health:
- Weight: 121lbs (3/21/2020 @ 11:00am)
- Mild skin inflammation/itchiness
- Fatigue
- Less trouble sleeping
- No night sweats!
I do not have parasite pictures this week but I do have a picture of something I passed during the kidney cleanse. They look like they may be stones? They do not look like any eggs that I have passed. They are not super hard but they are definitely solid.