Parasite Overview – Part Two – Week Three
Half way through part two! Or three quarters of the way through the entire program? It’s all starting to blur together.
I’ll be honest and say I almost forgot to write this overview because I did not realize it was Saturday. I feel like all my days over the past three weeks have blended and blurred together. It’s crazy to think that I started part two of the cleanse right as the schools were being shut down and teachers were sent home.
While it is not easy staying quarantined in a one bedroom apartment, it has been nice to go through this cleanse at home. I am especially looking forward to being home next week during the liver cleanse (read below to see what that will look like!).
With the exception of a few “treats” here and there, I have been able to follow my nutritional guidelines fairly well. There have been times where I will eat something that is not recommended during the program (e.g., corn or rice) but I watch how much of it I eat and how often.
Here is what my typical day looked like this past week…
- 16 oz warm water with the juice from 1/2 a lemon, 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 Tbsp. aloe vera juice, a pinch of pink himalayan salt
- Probiotic
- Eggs and avocado or banana/egg pancakes
- Pau d’Arco and Cat’s Claw tea
- Pumpkin seeds
- Fruit
- 8 oz ginger tea (~30 minutes before eating)
- AIP/Whole 30 meal
NOTE: I am going to start posting some of the meals I have been making to the recipe portion of my blog so keep an eye out for that!
- 8 oz water with Organic Fermented Green Supremefood powder
- Chopped raw garlic in a spoonful of olive oil
- Clove supplement
How Am I Feeling?
I feel like this is a loaded question considering we are in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. However, I am going to stick to how my body has been feeling throughout the last week.
As I’ve mentioned previously, I have been more lenient with the diet recently. Overall, my body has taken to this very well. However, I have started noticing some small bumps starting to appear on my arms. They look like the bumps I had (before my whole body was covered in a rash) previously so I am keeping a careful eye on this and have become slightly more strict about what I am eating (as much as possible).
I woke up once this past week with night sweats. It’s possible this was due to the more lenient diet over the past couple weeks. It is also possible that my body overheated in the blankets because it was actually warm during the night!
What’s in Store?
The fourth week of the parasite cleanse – part two involves a liver cleanse! I am really interested to see how this goes. The liver cleanse consists of 5 days where I will be taking specific supplements and tinctures. I will also be following a specific diet of fruit for breakfast and the option of soup/juice/salad for lunch and dinner. The fifth day is known as the “flush” day. On this day, I will be following the diet guidelines and ingesting Epsom salt and 6 oz of olive oil in the evening. It will be…. interesting.
During this week, I will be a lot more strict with the dietary guidelines set in place because of the specific supplements/tinctures that I will be taking.
Summary of Current Health:
- Weight: 125 lbs (4/4/2020 @ 3:30pm)
- Mild skin inflammation/itchiness
- Night sweats (1 night)