Allergy Friendly Recipes

My AIP Story

A lot of people hear about the autoimmune protocol (AIP) and are immediately overwhelmed by the amount of foods that you cannot eat. I know that’s how I felt when I stumbled upon it. Here is a little bit about my journey down this road.

I have struggled with skin issues over the past few years and always thought it was simply a topical issue. I tried all the creams and natural remedies that told me it would “fix” my skin. While some of them helped my skin, nothing healed it.

I had heard the rumors that eczema was a gut issue but I have read many things that say there is no scientific proof to back this up (I have not tried to do my own scientific research, this is all from my own personal experience). Finally, after years of hearing this, I finally gave in and attempted to heal my gut.

My first attempt was with Whole30, but this did nothing for my skin. Sure, I was healthier after it, but it did not help my problem. Then I was introduced to AIP. I was not sure if I wanted to do another elimination diet (because let’s face it – I love food!). However, I decided to give it a go because nothing else was working. Let’s just say I don’t regret it!

After only a week of eating AIP approved foods, my skin started to heal! I couldn’t believe it. I am currently still in the elimination part of the protocol but I could not be happier with my results. I still have some scarring from old eczema spots but all the bumpy, rashy, itchiness is pretty much gone (I am currently 19 days in).

When I first started, I was worried that I would get bored with the food I could eat. Thankfully, that has not been the case! I have found many delicious recipes that have satisfied any craving I have had on this journey. I will be sharing these yummy recipes on here so keep your eye out!

*UPDATE: I have started a wellness programme that specifically targets parasites. To follow along with my journey, see the tab “Parasite Cleanse”

AIP Guacamole

May 22, 2019